Friday, July 17, 2015

Trader Joe's Watermelon Delivers!

Trader Joe's has an exceptional price on watermelon and it tastes terrific.  Cut out the middle man and do it right!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

South African Style Potato Chips... Hmm...

YUCK.  These don't even taste like potato chips.  They taste like a whole new product.  Meat slivers.  I've been to South Africa.  They have amazing spices.  And incredible cuisine.  But I never had meat chips there.  Back to the drawing board Teej.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pineapple Juice is a WINNER!

Twice now, TJ has been sampling this Pineapple Juice while we were shopping.  And my kids went ballistic they loved it so much... and wanted it so badly.  I did end up purchasing one carton, for a fun treat, but at $4 a pop, it is a once-in-a-while thing!

I sampled it as well and it is really, very tasty. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July - Great Hostess Gift!

Here's a great hostess gift for your next July 4th party.  Under $10!

The three hydrangea stems are from Trader Joes, and came in one bunch for $5.99.  The Mason jars were $1 each from the Target $1 bins.  You could also get glass vases at The Dollar Store or buy a $2-4 Mason jar at Michael's.  And I bought the red ribbon at Wal-Mart for $1.49 a roll.  The navy Chevron ribbon was a scrap left over from an Art Party I threw, but was purchased at Hobby Lobby when the ribbon was half off.  The roll was about $3 on sale.

Magic Moo - Organic Chocolate Sauce

This is delicious.  My kids are loving it over ice cream and we just used it to make chocolate milk for the first time.

But there's a logistical downside.  It is really, really, really, really hard to squeeze out, once it has been refrigerated.  Like I can hardly do it, with my grown-up muscles.  I have to squeeze with all my might for a few seconds, and a dollop comes out.  So I do that about 14 times per kid's bowl.  My kids have absolutely no chance of using this product on their own.

Let me reiterate, it IS tasty.  And much better than the leading brand, that has high fructose corn syrup.  And corn syrup.  Yep, both.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


We love buying these big bags of rice either to supplement our TJ International dinners ;-) or to make when we're home cookin'.

The rice has easy directions, turns out well and tastes delicious.

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