Friday, September 2, 2016

Book Club Appy

It was my turn to host Book Club last night. I decided I wanted to make all new recipes. I never do this. The risk is too great!  But I got inspired on Pinterest. 

I really liked these, but I actually preferred them without the tomatoes.  Maybe next time I will skip the tomatoes and sprinkle a little paprika on top for color?


3 Persian Cucumbers (I have bought these everywhere, and TJ has the best, hand's down!)
15 cherry tomatoes
Ranch Dressing
1 tbsp. dried thyme (dill works too)
4 ounces cream cheese, brick, softened

1. soften 4 ounces cream cheese.
2. peel and cut cucumbers.  make cuts thick.  scoop out center of cucumber with melon baller or grapefruit spoon.
3. cut tomatoes
4. use a hand mixer, mix together dressing, thyme and cream cheese.  mix on medium until blended, then on high for another minute.
5. put in ziploc bag, cut tiny corner off, and pipe into the cucumbers.  top with cherry tomato halves.

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