Friday, September 2, 2016

New Snacks - Two Hits and A Miss

My 4-year old is obsessed with SNACK-IES.  It's super annoying!  He watches way too much TV, and he insists on eating snack after snack the whole time.  SO get this.  If it is a "snack", it is healthy and comes from the fridge.  If it is a SNACK-EE (said loudly and with conviction,) it is tasty, probably not healthy, and from the pantry. This all stresses me out because there are only so many snack products out there that I'll buy!  And that he likes.  Here are my three latest attempts.

Cinnamon Apple Sticks - MISS
Fig Cereal Bar - HIT
Raises the Bar - HIT (did not expect this one to be a winner!)

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