Monday, June 1, 2015

Cookies for Kids! The taste test proves it

As you might recall, I have a major sweet tooth.  So I try a lot of Trader Joe's different sweets.  While I don't really like any of the candies (so far...) I have loved almost all of the cookies.

Here are the ones my kids love, along with their opinion.

Joe-Joe's.  These are like healthier Oreo's.  But be warned!  Please take note!  The chocolate ones are awful.  Always go for the vanilla.

Another good one, for little kids, are the Cinnamon Schoolbook Cookies.  My 3-year old likes these as a snack, but my 8-year old doesn't like these.  I don't think they are sweet enough for his mature taste buds.  ;-)

 Lastly, we all love these.  Again, they disappear in a couple of days!  The almonds are very subtle, which means my kids don't mind them in there.  And doesn't that make them a little healthier?  The texture is just divine and the sugar sprinkle on top is an added delight.

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