Thursday, June 4, 2015

Trader Joe's Produce - Cherries!

If you know me, you know I have very specific produce items that I buy at TJ, and very specific items I DON'T.

I was apprehensive to buy the cherries.  They were pricey for one.  Almost $4 for this pretty small container.

Secondly, I don't like cherries.  And either does my husband.  My 3-year old grabbed them because he had just seen a friend of his big brother's eating them at lunch the week before.  He really wanted to try them.  And be cool like the big kid.  So I caved.

My 3-year old refuses to eat a vegetable, but he loves fruit.  And guess what?  He loves cherries.  And my husband and I like these cherries.  They are really tasty.


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