Monday, March 9, 2015

Decadent Breakfast Pastry - INSANELY Delicious

On Christmas morning, after my kids open and play with their gifts, we go over to my parent's house in our PJ's.  My mom always has a yummy brunch with eggs, bacon, fruit and different pastries.  When my little one sneaked over the the table, before everything was ready, and started chowing down on this pretty large croissant, we were all intrigued by it.  And curious to try it ourselves.  Then, when my mom said she made them, I instantly knew they were from Trader Joe's.

Listen, these are crazy good.  I don't see how something in a box, that's frozen, can be this divine.  Why go to your local French pastry shop?  Just stop off at TJ and grab a box.

Queen of Croissants INDEED!

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