Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Flowers, flowers, such beautiful flowers!

Enjoy the TJ flowers first.  Then read the blog entry!

The flowers at Trader Joe's are impressive.  And very, very reasonably priced.  More often than not, if I comment on flowers at a friend's house, she says they are from TJ.

I was at a friend's house on Valentine's Day night, for a party, and her husband was saying that he went to TJ after work the day before Valentine's Day and they were COMPLETELY SOLD OUT of flowers!  My husband then chimed in that he went the morning before Heart Day and bought two bunches for me.  Hyacinths and roses.

He then told another story that he heard from the cashier, and man, i have been telling it to everyone that'll listen.

Apparently, a florist in town comes in weekly and buys out the tulips at TJ because they are cheaper and better quality than the ones she can get wholesale!  And then she turns around and resells them in her floral bouquets.  I thought that was pretty cool.

The final thing I'll say about the TJ flowers is that you can also get unique holiday items like poinsettias, rosemary trees, shamrocks and Easter lillies.


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