Sunday, March 8, 2015

Trader Joe's Breakfast - Part Two: WEEKEND

We love breakfast in my house and often make it for dinner.  I make a killer homemade pancake.  But Trader Joe's makes some decent ones too.  And some yummy blueberry waffles.  We pair them with their bananas, scrambled eggs and one of my favorite items that they carry.  BACON.  It actually isn't TJ brand, and I have seen it for MORE money at another store.  But I love it because it is lower in fat (supposedly), uncured (no chemicals!) and really tasty.

My favorite bacon.  I have made it for my parents and several friends that have come over for brunch and everyone comments on it.

Yummy Blueberry Waffles:

Silver Dollar Pancakes.  These are so stinkin' cute, but I actually found them to be a little bland.  I first smelled them and based on smell alone, they are amazing.  But then I tried them... meh...  But my kids LOVED them.  Go figure.

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